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Exploding Water Balloon Pictures

Photography is cool. But what’s cooler is when you combine taking pictures and breaking things. Water balloons are cheap and easy to clean up which makes them an easy choice for a photo session of destruction. Plus an exploding water balloon creates a pretty sweet image.

Prick by Sean Rogers

image by michael warren
water balloon

Water Balloon by Abby
water balloon

Water balloon explosion by Umberto Salvagnin
Water balloon explosion

Water balloon explosion by Umberto Salvagnin
Water balloon explosion

Splash! by Domenico Salvagnin

A blast of the water by Kevin1027
A blast of the water

Pop! by MΛЯK

Water! by Aku

WaterFist by Mike Seyfang

Water Bomb by Mark Robinson
Water Bomb

Pop!/Heart explosion! by Zach Dischner
Pop!/Heart explosion!
