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Family Matters – Excellent Examples of Family Photography

Having the opportunity to photograph a family is a huge gift. It is the chance to document someone’s past, present, and future. From young lovers with fingers entwined to a belly swollen with anticipation for new life, capturing a family on film is to capture the smiles, the bear hugs, and the utter joy of togetherness. We find true moments that matter in a father’s proud-new-daddy-glow, or a sister’s protective embrace.
The following collection, features images that remind us that family really does matter and it is worth fighting for. These little moments make us want to freeze time—because we know how lucky we are to be alive and breathing it all in.

Donte Tidwell
Family Matters

Carlos Sarmento
Family Matters

Family Matters

Adrienne Bednarz
Family Matters

Matthew Coughlin
Family Matters

Family Matters

Family Matters

Family Matters

Family Matters

Family Matters
