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Sensational Airplane Window Pictures

Finding a good place to sit on an airplane can provide some great opportunities to snap a few good photos. Here are the great perspectives from photographers in the window seat.

Passage des Alpes par AF 9803 by Panoramas Passage des Alpes par AF 9803

Protective Cover Spotted on the Plane by Incase Protective Cover Spotted on the Plane

.Window. by Jamal Afzal .Window.

I'm Out by josh hunter
  I'm Out

fog envelopes the foothills of mountains near Lima by Julia Manzerova fog envelopes the foothills of mountains near Lima

Waiting for the Bay by Nick Coombe Waiting for the Bay

somewhere over the midwest by jason tinder somewhere over the midwest

Looking down from the sky by Bethany Gronberg Looking down from the sky

obligatory shot of aeroplane window by Stephen Mackenzie obligatory shot of aeroplane window

Such Great Heights. by Andi Jetaime Such Great Heights.
